
How to Add New Job on LinkedIn


Maintaining a professional online profile is just as important as having an impressive resume. Whether you are a seasoned professional or someone who is just setting foot in the job market, LinkedIn is a platform that can help you connect with opportunities that align with your skills.

One of the essential aspects of creating a compelling LinkedIn profile is to effectively showcase your job experiences – both past and present. Thus, in this article, we’re going to guide you through how to add a new job on LinkedIn. We will also provide some tips to add a touch of professionalism to your profile.

1. Logging In and Accessing Your Profile

Before you start the process, make sure you have access to your LinkedIn account. Log in and navigate to your profile page by clicking on your profile icon located on the top right corner of the LinkedIn homepage.

2. Accessing the “Add Experience” tab

Once on your profile page, look for the “Add profile section” button located at the top of your profile. Click on this and a dropdown menu will appear. Navigate to the “Background” section and select the “Add job” or “+ Work experience” option. This will lead you to the “Experience” section where you can add details about your new job.

3. Fill in the Details About Your New Job

Now it’s time to fill in the details about your new job. You’ll be asked to fill in fields like “Job Title”, “Employer”, “Location”, “Start Date”, and “End Date”. If you are currently working at this job, check the box stating “I currently work here” and the end date will automatically change to “Present”.

4. Describe Your Job

The “Description” box is where you can talk about your roles and responsibilities at your new job. Be concise and precise in your explanation. Use bullet points for clarity and to make the description easy to read. To add more weight to your profile, use specific examples of projects you have worked on or accomplishments you have achieved in this job.

5. Add Media

With LinkedIn, you can enhance your profile by adding relevant links, videos, images, or documents to showcase your work. If you can, consider adding media that shows off your achievements or work examples at your new job.

6. Saving Your New Job

After you have filled in all the necessary details and you’re satisfied with the information you’ve provided, click on the “Save” button to add your new job on LinkedIn. The new job will be automatically added to your LinkedIn profile under the “Experience” section.

How do you announce your starting a new job?

The Job Description:
I’ll be stepping into a position as a Project Manager, looking forward to the responsibilities it brings.
I’m moving into the field of digital marketing – a whole new industry for me.
The new role will tap into my passion for coding and software development.

3. The Company:
This new journey begins at the esteemed ABC Company. Excited about the road ahead!
The new job is at XYZ a tech-giant, a perfect place for my tech-geek side.
Thrilled to join the innovative team at DEF Corp, reputed for the groundbreaking work they do.


4. Expectations and Goals:
Looking forward to this new challenge and the growth I know it will bring.
I’m enthusiastic about the opportunities to learn and contribute in this new role.
Eager to bring my skills to the task and hope to make a positive impact.

5. Thanking Previous Company/Coworkers:
A special thanks to my previous team, I will always value the experiences and skills I gained there.
I’m grateful for my time at ABC Company, which has prepared me well for this new journey.
Thanks to my previous coworkers for their support, learning, and good times. Here’s to keeping in touch!

6. Personal Note:
I’m grateful for this opportunity, looking forward to making the most of it!
Change is the only constant and I am ready for this exciting new chapter. Wish me luck!
A moment of gratitude for everyone who has believed in me and my capabilities, excited to take this leap forward.

Tips on Adding a New Job on LinkedIn

– When you add a new job on LinkedIn, the platform automatically sends a notification to your connections. If you don’t want this to happen, especially if you’re only updating your profile and you’re not changing jobs, you can turn off this option in the settings before saving your new job experience.

– Use Action-Oriented Language: In the job description section, use action verbs to describe your roles, responsibilities, and achievements. This helps to draw the reader in and shows them what you’re capable of.

– Utilize Keywords: In order to optimize your profile for LinkedIn’s search algorithm, include keywords that are relevant to your industry in your job description. This could potentially increase your visibility to prospective employers.

– Correctly Categorize Your Experience: For those with numerous past jobs or experiences, it is important to sort them correctly. The most recent job experience should be on the top, with older positions listed in descending order.

Open your LinkedIn profile: Click on your profile picture, located at the top right corner. Your personal LinkedIn profile will then appear.

Edit the experience section: Look for the “Experience” area and click the “+” sign to add a new position.

Fill in the details: Type in the job title, company name, location, and the period you held the position.

Describe the role: Include a brief rundown of your scope of work, main responsibilities, and notable achievements while working in the ‘Description’ box.

Save it up: After checking that all details are correct, click “Save” to apply the changes.


Creating a professional and effective LinkedIn profile is an iterative process that requires regular updates and refinements. Knowing how to add a new job on LinkedIn is an important part of keeping your profile updated and relevant.

By following the steps discussed above, you can effectively highlight your work experience and open up new professional opportunities. Remember, your LinkedIn profile is like an online resume – the more accurately and professionally it is curated, the more effective it will be in aiding your career path.

Now that you know how to add a new job on LinkedIn, it’s time to log in and add those new experiences and achievements. Happy networking!


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